My first issue was language and word usage. Not to nitpick, and no offense to Slash, but too often Slash uses words in the book that just don't seem like they would be in his usual vocabulary, which in a small sense, subtly undermines the "real" factor of the story. Frankly, I don't want to hear Slash use big words. I met Slash one time in a bar on Miami Beach where he was jamming with a group of friends (very cool, by the way) and Slash could barely utter "hello." It was more like a good grunt and a handshake. And that was ok. That's rock and roll. I don't want to hear his delicate musings on the state of the union.
There were also phrasings in the book that were just absurd, highlighted by an incident where Slash gets confrontational with someone and you're expecting some great, unnecessary use of the "F" word, and he gets up in someone's face and says "whatever." Whatever? That's the best you got? If there was ever a time for Bozza's poetic intervention, this might have been it - somehow a bit anticlimactic in the rock and roll sense, don't you think? Perhaps this weak reaction was a consequence of the fact that for about 15 straight years, Slash was high on a cauldron of drugs, mostly heroine, interspersed with frequent bouts with coke, prescription meds, and of course lots of alcohol. It was Slash's, and at least two other members of the band, addiction to these elements that allowed Axl Rose to gain legal control and musical influence over the band, pushing the remaining members into a "hired guns" scenario, which ultimately led to the band's demise.

Overall, the book is entertaining. I don't know if or how I would recommend it to others, though. You really have to be a fan of the band and their music to enjoy the book because this allows you put aside the oddities and frequent digressions (mostly on the unquenchable search for drugs) of the book and just enjoy the trainwreck. The book answered two questions that I've always wanted to know more about: a) how the band was born and b) why the band died. And I got sufficient answers to those questions.

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